Resignation contract of risk, responsibilities, assumption, severance agreementsand parental consent.
Inconsentofthis.IagreethatthisrepresentsthatIunderstandthenatureofactivitiesofsoccerandthatIamqualified,ni goodhealthandniproper physicalconditiontoparticipateinsuchactivity. Iacknowledgethatthisactivity willbeconductedinpublicorprivatefacilities,wheresuchactivity will be exposed to the risks oftravel and handling. Ifurther agree and guarantee that ifat any time Ibelieve that these conditions are unsafe. I immediately will discontinue myselffrom such activity.
Ifully understand that: the summerand winter activities involve risks anddangers ofbodily harm. Including permanent disability. paralysis and death (risks)(B) these risks and dangers mav be caused by mv own actions or inactions and actions and inactions ofother participants in the activitv that took place or to the accuracy of those receiving the releases and arelisted below: (C) there may eb other risks and social and economic losses not known br me or not readily foreseeable at this time. I fully accept and assume all risks and all responsibilities for losses, costs, and damages that incur as a result of
my participation or minor.
By signing this form. you are acknowledging that you know. understand, and appreciate the risks inherent in the sport of soccer and assume al risks. Furthermore. you agree toaccept and assume those risks. and you agree to release. waive, discharge. and covenant not to sue 5 Stars Sports INC. its officers and directors. the organizers, promoters. volunteers, other participants. officials, sponsors. and everyone else associated with the fields for any loss. claim. or injury that you might suffer by participating. You agree tobe completely responsible for any injuries you sustain as a result of participating ni using of the fields regardless of the cause or nature of those injuries.
Ihave read this agreement and fully understandall its terms: Iunderstand that Ihave given up substantial rights bysigning this contract. Ihave signed this agreement freely and without any guarantee ofany kindo fincentive and this contract is intended to be complete and unconditional withdrawal of al execution risk allowedby the law and Iagree that ifany portion of this agreement is heldinvalid, the balance sheet of thecontract continues in full force and effect.
Iam aware there are risks to me of exposure ot directly orindirectlyarising out of, contributed to, by, or resulting from an outbreak of any and al communicable disease. including but not limited to. the virus "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)*. which si responsible for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and/or any mutation or variation thereof.
Minor Release
And I,the minor's parent and/or legal guardian understand thenature ofthe soccer place activities and the minor's experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified. in good health. andproper physical condition to participate insuch activity. Ihereby release. discharge,covenant not to sue. and agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless eacho fthereleases from all liability claims, demands, losses, ordamages on the minor's account caused or alleged cause to be caused ni whole or ni part by the negligenceof the "releases" or otherwise. includingnegligent rescue operationand further agree that if, despite this release I. the minor, or anyone on the minor's behalfmakes aclaim against any ofthe releases named above. I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each ofthe releases from any litigation expenses, attorney fees. loss, liability, damage, or cost any may incur as result ofany such claim. I also understand that I am giving permission to my child ot play with older kids on the fields.
The person whose signature appears below acknowledges that he orshe has read this form carefullyand has decided to participate on the fields voluntarily and according to the stipulations as described in this document. You acknowledge that your questions and concerns, ifany, have been answered to your satisfaction.